Zoom - How to setup a meeting from Outlook (Full Client and Web Outlook)

In This Article:

We will show you how to setup a Zoom meeting using Outlook. This will include steps for both Outlook 365 Full Client and the Web Version.

  1. Full Client.
  2. Web Outlook.


Full Client:

  1. Launch Outlook.
  2. Navigate to your calendar.
  3. Highlight the desired Zoom meeting time on the calendar OR simply click on the 'New meeting button' located in the 'Home' ribbon.

  1. In the meeting screen, enter an appropriate title, attendees, and adjust time and date!
  2. Click on the 'Add a Zoom Meeting'.

  1. If this is the first time you have done this step, you will be prompted to log-in.
    1. Click on the 'Or Sign In with SSO' link on the bottom of the authentication page.
    2. Put 'ursuline' in the 'Enter your company domain' box, click 'continue'.
    3. You may be directed to Ursuline's log-in page. Log-in using your Urusline email address and Ursuline password (Same user name/password you use for Email, Desire2Learn, and MyUrsulin).
    4. The window will disappear on its own.

  1. Your meeting information will automatically populate!
  2. Important Notes: Before you send your invitation, check the meeting settings!
    1. Click on the 'Settings' icon next to the 'Add a Zoom Meeting' icon in the 'Meeting' ribbon.
    2. A list of settings will appear on the right!
    3. Once you adjust your settings, don't forget to click on the 'Update' button.
  3. When you are ready to send the meeting out, click on the 'Send' button.


Web Outlook

  1. Log-in to Web Outlook (email) as usual.
  2. Click on the Calendar icon on the bottom left.
  3. Highlight the meeting area on the calendar. A window will pop-up to fill in the meeting information. Click on the 'More Options' link.

  1. Click on the three dots on the top of the 'Calendar' screen. Click on the 'Zoom' button and click on the 'Add a Zoom Meeting' button.

  1. If this is your first time, you will be prompted to log-in to Zoom.
    1. Click Allow.
    2. Click on the 'Sign in with SSO' button.
    3. enter 'ursuline' in the 'Enter your company domain box. Click continue.
    4. Your meeting information will be entered in the Calendar window.

  1. If you need to change any settings (Such as, removing the meeting password), go back to the three dots, click on the 'Zoom' button then click on the 'Settings' button.
  2. Adjust all your settings then click 'Update'.
  3. Don't forget to invite your attendees :)

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